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Home: Welcome

Inspired to Play 
Motivated to Learn
Prepared to have Fun

We provide the perfect environment for your child's soccer development​

Programs & Age Groups

Play through the Seasons:
Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter... or any Combination

United Soccer Club & Soccer School is a non-profit organization and provides an integrated program schedule of learning through exploration and teamwork.
Our sessions combine hands-on experience with knowledge-based teaching, implementing the Long Term Player Development Plan.

Active Start

Age 4 & 5 coed

Home: Courses


Age 6 to 9 coed


Learn to Train

Age 9 to 13 coed

Advanced Development

Age 7 to 12 coed

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Hybrid Training

Age 7 to 10 coed


Program Tuition

:: Three Seasons - Spring, Summer & Extended Summer - $360


:: Two Seasons - Spring & Summer - $265


:: Two Seasons, Spring & Extended Summer - $225

:: Two Seasons - Summer & Extended Summer - $225

:: One Season - Spring OR Summer - $140

:: One Season - Extended Summer - $100

:: Family discount applies when registering more than one child

:: Tuition does not include uniforms

:: Development Programs are not Subject to Discounts

We founded United Soccer Club & Soccer School with one goal in mind: to bring the most enjoyable and rewarding soccer development possible into the north Toronto community.

Our passionate and skilled instructors are here to help players achieve their goals.

Join us today!

Home: Tuition


Learning Has No Bounds


  • We are committed to provide the best grassroots learning environment for your child.

  • We like to plant and nourish the passion for soccer by teaching the art of the game from an early age on.

  • Our priority is a child's enjoyment, individual development and safety.

  • We focus on basic aspects of the sport spectrum, such as proper running technique, balance, flexibility and co-ordination. Everybody is welcome.

The United Soccer Club  adheres in principal to the rules and recommendations of Ontario Soccer and is one of the many leaders in promoting the LTPD.

Exceptional USC players are monitored and potentially invited to additional training within our Player Development Program (PDP) or Team Development Program (TDP).
This creates a smooth transition and provides a talented pathway to excellence.
Competitive teams are formed if the number of players in that pool allows us to do so.

Home: Philosophy
Home: Contact

Get in Touch

Mailing Address:
3366 Yonge Street. #94046 
Toronto. Ontario, Canada

(ph) 416-409-2260

Stay in Touch

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Social Media

©2024 United Soccer Club & Soccer School
Not for Profit Organisation) 

Atlete's Care Sports Medicine
Respect in Soccer
United Soccer Coaches
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