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How to Register


When you click the red button below, you will be re-directed to our Registration Portal provided by

Steps to expect:

1. Sign in to the members area
2. Provide parent or guardian information
3. Provide child information and register to program(s)
4. Submit payment

5. You will receive a receipt by email immediately




Friend Requests are subject to the following conditions:

  1. Player requests on a first come, first paid basis. Deadline is April 1, 2025

  2. Must be ‘one-to-one’ player reciprocated requests i.e. each player must have requested that they be on the same team as the other.

  3. Must be made separately via email, when registering the player.

  4. Requests are accepted at the discretion of USC SS. Submitting a request is not a guarantee that it will be granted.

  • Expect significant savings when registering for multiple seasons


  • Family discount applies when registering more than one child

Refund / Cancellation Policy:

Requests for refunds are accepted in writing only.

A $35 administration charge will be applicable.

No refunds after the first session date.

There are no 'make up' dates or refunds for cancelled sessions

(inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances)

©2024 United Soccer Club & Soccer School
Not for Profit Organisation) 

Atlete's Care Sports Medicine
Respect in Soccer
United Soccer Coaches
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